Emergency Pet Care in Manchester, NH

We offer same-day emergency appointments to our current clients, so you’re never left waiting with a pet problem that needs urgent attention. Every effort will be made to see you as quickly as possible during our regular business hours, but there may be times when urgent care is a better option for your pet.

Emergency? Call NOW.

Mon & Tues: 8am – 6pm
Wed, Thurs & Fri: 8am – 5pm
Saturday: 8am – 12pm
Sunday: Closed

Closed 1 - 2pm daily for lunch

After-Hour Emergencies & Referrals

Listed below are the emergency and referral clinics we commonly suggest. Please note that we do not provide overnight hospitalization. If your pet requires 24 hour treatment, we recommend the facility listed below for your pet’s continued care.

Get the best care for your best friend.